Monday, December 03, 2007

Bowing out himself, influential late night talk show host endorses Stephen Colbert for President

Yep, Jon Stewart finally yielded to the unstoppable force that is Stephen Colbert's candidacy for President of the United States. As reported by Ms. Interpreted at the No Fact Zone, Jon Stewart succumbed to a brutal question and answer session at the University of Delaware to admit the truth:

To wrap things up, he took a few questions from the audience. Most of them were the same things that get asked all the time: will you come to my keg party after the show (”Yes. I, a 45-year old man, will come to your keg party. And I’ll drink and dance until four in the morning, when the ‘what the f*#k were you thinking?’ police come to get me.”) and why won’t you run for President (”Because I am not qualified. And there is a shoebox full of pictures of me, like, with a beer in one hand and my dick in a tub of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! that would pretty much disqualify me on the spot.”) variety. He was also asked whether he supported Stephen Colbert for President, a question that received an affirmative response ...
So you heard it here first, um, that is, obviously, second.

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